Welcome to Reignite Your Soul, where transformation meets inspiration.

Our Mission:

At Reignite Your Soul, we are dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and connection. Through our three pillars of Awakening, Empowerment, and Connection, we provide the tools, support, and community needed for individuals to awaken their true selves, embrace change, and create lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Our mission is to ignite a global movement of ambitious souls who courageously step into their authenticity, redefine personal growth norms, and live life on their own terms. Grounded in our core values of Authenticity, Faith, Community, Freedom, Adventure, Self-Expression, Passion, Purpose, Contribution, and Continuous Evolution, we empower individuals to rewrite their life stories, contribute to a compassionate world, and foster a community of awakened souls.

Join us on this extraordinary path to self-discovery, where you'll find the freedom to be your true self and create a future that resonates with your heart's deepest desires. It's time to reignite your soul and live a life you genuinely love.

Our Three Pillars:

1. Awakening:

In the midst of life's chaos, we offer a guiding light towards awakening your true self. We understand the challenges of feeling lost and unfulfilled, and we're here to help you navigate this transformative process with compassion and clarity.

2. Empowerment:

Once you're ready to embrace change and step into your authentic self, Reignite Your Soul provides the resources, programs, and connections you need to fuel your journey.

3. Connection:

We believe in the power of human connection and the strength it brings to your personal development journey. Our transformative events, healing sessions, online courses and coaching programs foster a sense of belonging, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your vision for a more fulfilling life.

Join us on this extraordinary path to self-discovery, where you'll find the freedom to be your true self and create a future that resonates with your heart's deepest desires. It's time to reignite your soul and live a life you genuinely love.

Our Vision:

At Reignite Your Soul, our vision is to ignite a global movement of empowered souls who have discovered their true selves, embraced their unique path, and, in doing so, have redefined the norms of personal growth, self-discovery and living life on your own terms.

We envision a world where people are no longer bound by societal expectations and familial pressures, but are instead guided by their inner compass, living lives that reflect their deepest desires and passions.

Our vision is to inspire a collective awakening, where individuals find the courage to step into their authentic power, break free from limitations, and create lives filled with purpose, joy, and connection.

Through our transformative events, healing sessions, online programs, personal development programs and inspiring community, we aim to empower countless souls to rewrite their life stories and lead by example, showing that true freedom and fulfillment are within reach for everyone.

As Reignite Your Soul continues to expand, we aspire to touch the hearts and minds of people across the globe, fostering a community of awakened souls who, in turn, contribute to a more compassionate, conscious, and harmonious world.

Our Core Values:

1. Authenticity: We believe in the power of authenticity, being true to oneself, and embracing creativity & individuality.

2. Faith: We have faith in the potential of every individual to create positive change and the resilience to overcome obstacles.

3. Community: Community is the heart of our support system, providing connection and strength through shared experiences.

4. Freedom: We celebrate the freedom to choose one's path, live authentically, and break free from limitations.

5. Adventure: We embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration, encouraging individuals to step outside their comfort zones.

6. Self-Expression: We believe that self-expression is essential for personal growth, allowing individuals to share their unique essence with the world.

7. Passion: Passion fuels our pursuits and is a driving force in helping individuals discover and pursue their interests.

8. Purpose: We guide individuals in discovering their life's purpose and aligning their actions with their deepest values.

9. Contribution: We emphasize the importance of giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the world.

10. Continuous Evolution: Personal growth is a continuous journey, and we inspire individuals to evolve, learn, and adapt throughout their lives.

These combined core values reflect the holistic and transformative approach of Reignite Your Soul. They serve as guiding principles for both our team and the individuals we support on their personal growth journeys.

Meet the Founder of Reignite Your Soul

Laura Plahuta

Meet Laura Plahuta,

Laura Plahuta is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur with a unique journey that has led her from being a former Paramedic to becoming a holistic healing coach and the visionary force behind Reignite Your Soul. Her story is one of profound personal evolution, driven by a passion to help others break free from self-doubt and embrace a life of fulfillment and authenticity.

Having experienced burnout and a profound shift in identity during her career transition, Laura recognized the need to break free from the hustle culture that often consumes North America. She had, like so many, become tunnel-visioned on material success and societal status, leaving her disconnected from life's true meaning. Laura courageously embarked on her own healing journey, delving into indigenous ceremonies and working with powerful plant medicines such as ayahuasca, bufo, jopo, kambo, hape and sananga. Along the way, she sought guidance from professional coaches who helped her gain the confidence and skillset to bring her vision of Reignite Your Soul to life.

In 2021, Laura introduced Reignite Your Soul to the world, an endeavour that continues to evolve and expand its global impact. She has coached a diverse clientele, including Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Creatives, Healers, Health Care Providers, First Responders, Military Veterans, and those aspiring to unleash their unique gifts and make a profound impact. Their ages range anywhere from early 20’s into their 60’s. Her transformative tool of choice, The Spiral, empowers these individuals to clear unconscious emotional patterns, enabling them to live authentically and bring their unique gifts to the world with greater confidence.

Laura's entrepreneurial spirit doesn't stop there. She is also the Co-Founder of The School of Healing Arts, Life by Design Collective and holds certifications as an Advanced Spiral Practitioner, Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor and a Yoga Nidra Guide. Her journey from burnout to alignment has inspired her to help others radically transform their lives from the inside out.

Laura's commitment to sharing the transformative power of coaching and healing is unwavering. She has witnessed firsthand the profound shifts that are possible when one taps into their inner potential. Laura invites you to join her on a journey of self-discovery, reprogramming your mind and body to align with your authentic self, and fearlessly creating a life you passionately love.

Additionally, Laura is expanding her offerings to include immersive retreats and adventures where individuals can reconnect with nature, forge deep connections with like-minded souls, and explore a variety of healing modalities.

If you are ready to begin your journey, you can Start Here.